Reader, retiree trends in California, and updates to the URLA.  

Your first tuesday real estate news
Week of October 31, 2016 


Baby Boomers retire: What will their retirement homes look like?
A look at retiree trends in California's housing market.

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Needed changes to the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) unveiled
The proposed design will go into effect in 2018.

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CalBRE licensees may petition for removal of disciplinary actions
Updates to the CalBRE's public records on licensees.

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Poll  Vote on it

Have you ever shown a house that was haunted?


Land sales contracts are duping homebuyers
Investors are using dubious seller financing to profit from low-income buyers.

Sales agent license renewals on the uptick
More sales agents renewed their licenses in August 2016 than the prior year.

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The votes are in: our readers attend few real estate events
Our poll results show real estate functions are losing popularity.

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The rise and fall of real estate brokers and agents
The number of active brokers declined in August, while more agents joined the market.

Fees for partial property tax payments
New fees for partial property tax payments.

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Newly licensed sales agent and broker population
Q2 2016 saw an influx of new licensed agents.

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FARM: Prices are up – now’s the time to sell!
A flyer for advertising in the current high-priced market.

Poll  Featured Comment

"[M]ost people join CAR in order to obtain the forms, not for the other services. And if there were any viable choices for agents, CAR would immediately suffer as much as a 40% to 50% loss in membership. […] CAR owns the 'for profit' company that produces their software, with top officers in CAR sitting in top management spots in ZipLogix. This is the living, breathing definition of a conflict of interest. […] On their website they parade their forms software as 'free' when cost of their forms software for non-members as a percentage of their actual membership cost speaks for itself."

- William Tormey, on CAR is "dangerously close" to having a monopoly on real estate forms, counters PDFfiller


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