Reader, expand your power base with education, and the EB-5 visa program.

 Your first tuesday real estate news

Week of February 22, 2016


Your power base enlarged by real estate education

Part II in our articles series on an agent's power base focuses on education.


EB-5 visa program encourages foreign real estate investment

Know the basics about the EB-5 visa program for foreign investors.


Poll  Vote on it

What direction will home prices go in 2016?

Legal Aspects

May a junior lien on a property be extinguished in Chapter 7 bankruptcy when the debt on the senior lien exceeds the property’s FMV?

Get the ruling here.

Market Trends

Today’s low mortgage rates are Wall Street profits in disguise

A look at how the 10-year Treasury note impacts mortgage rates.

Letter to the Editor

Our policy on real estate forms

Answers to your questions about first tuesday's policy on real estate forms.

Ad FARM Letters

Need marketing material to distribute to your clients? first tuesday’s FARM letters ar available in Microsoft Word format, as well as PDFs. Our FARM letter collection covers a variety of real estate subjects and each flier is individually designed. Download our printable FARM letters, or copy text into your own design program. Visit our FARM letters here.

Market Trends

The rise and fall of real estate brokers and agents

The real estate agent population continued to grow in January 2016.

Form of the Week

The trust deed listing agreement – a trust deed broker’s written fee agreement

An analysis of the trust deed listing and electronic consent form.

Legal Aspects

Is a lis pendens invalidated by failure to file proof of service with the county recorder?

A California court of appeals weighs in.

Poll  online forum

Discuss your opinions and ask questions about all things related to California real estate. Join the conversation with other agents on our online forum here!

Market Trends

Income inequality harms California’s housing market

See how stagnant incomes affect California housing trends.


Client Q&A: What is arbitration?

A flier to answer your client questions about arbitration.

Market Trends

Using the yield spread to forecast recessions and recoveries

The yield spread dropped in January 2016.

Poll  Video

“Romantic” listing terms correlate with home prices