Reader, CRM program reviews, VA mortgages and the monthly statistical update.

 Your first tuesday real estate news

Week of July 6, 2015


Tech Corner: CRM review

A successful real estate business is built on relationships. To build those relationships, it takes networking, commitment and a strong organizational system — that’s where customer relationship management (CRM) comes in. CRM is the management of your company’s communication, marketing and customer service goals. An important part of CRM for real estate brokerages is following up on leads and mining past clients for referrals. Sure, you can track your contacts on your own with any old spreadsheet program. But to take your CRM to the next level, consider investing in one of these CRM programs designed for real estate brokers and agents. Read more


Poll  Vote on it

What is the most important feature of a customer relationship management (CRM) program?


VA mortgage basics

The first article in our series on mortgage programs for veterans.

Monthly Statistical Update

July 2015: Full housing recovery imminent

Home prices and job numbers continue to rise.


Brokerage Reminder: Due diligence obligations of the seller’s broker

Part one of our series on due diligence obligations of a broker.

Market Trends

Home sales volume and price peaks

Sales volume grew in May 2015.

Form of the Week

The exclusive right-to-sell listing: the broker’s greatest fee protection for their efforts

An analysis of the exclusive right-to-sell listing agreement.

Market Trends

Current market rates

Fixed rate mortgage rates increased during the past week.

Legal Aspects

May a local city housing ordinance require developers to sell a portion of housing units at prices suitable for low- or moderate-income buyers?

Get the ruling here.

Ad NEW! State Exam Prep

first tuesday's original California Real Estate License Exam Prep is now available! Our prep book includes 1,100+ practice questions and interactive study tools online to help you pass the California salesperson and broker state exams. To order your copy now, call 951.781.7300 or go online.

Market Trends

The rising trend in California construction starts

Residential consruction starts rose over the last six months.

Legal Aspects

Does the absence of a property’s specific identifying information in a trust invalidate its transfer to the trust?

A California court of appeals weighs in.

Market Trends

Sacramento County housing indicators

A review of housing trends in Sacramento County.


FARM: Identity theft protection tips

Help keep your clients safe from identity theft.

Market Trends

On the highway to a real estate recovery

California auto sales dropped in June 2015.


FARM: Heat safety tips

Tips for staying cool and safe in the summer heat.

Poll  Video

When Millennials need to delay homeownership