Reader, California's steep living expenses and real estate calculators.

 Your first tuesday real estate news

Week of June 15, 2015


Homeowners spend more income on transportation costs

An analysis of housing and transportation expenses for California residents.


How many recent college graduates does it take to rent an apartment?

California's median rental rates are too steep for recent graduates.


Essential real estate calculators

The most useful online calculators for real estate transactions.


Poll  Vote on it

Do your clients use apps to assist them in the buying or selling process?

Market Trends

To buy in 2015? Homebuyer sentiment wavers

Consumer sentiment in California dropped in Q2 2015.

Legal Aspects

May a junior mortgage holder collect on a deficiency after a bankruptcy court sanctioned the foreclosure sale?

Get the ruling here.


FARM: How to gain an advantage when buying a home

Share these helpful tips with your homebuyers.

Market Trends

Using the yield spread to forecast recessions and recoveries

The yield spread experienced a small uptick in May 2015.

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FARM: 8 ways to eliminate clutter

Tips for reducing clutter and organizing a home.

Legal Aspects

Is a landlord withdrawing their property from the rental market required to notify tenants of their re-rental rights under future owners?

A California superior court weighs in.


FARM: Should you install artificial turf?

Weigh the pros and cons of installing artificial turf.


FARM: Firework safety guide

Help your clients celebrate the holidays safely with these firework tips.