Reader, wealth inequality, CalBRE mortgage reports and population growth.

 Your first tuesday real estate news

Week of April 6, 2015


How to fix the home price-income imbalance

We discuss some of the causes and solutions to wealth inequality.


The CalBRE residential mortgage loan report

Part three in our series on mandatory mortgage activity disclosures.


Population growth exceeds new housing – by a lot

Recent data shows new residents are outpacing construction rates.


Poll  Vote on it

Does your brokerage have a safety plan in place to protect agents on the job?

Market Trends

California tiered home pricing

Home prices displayed mixed signals in January 2015.


Association membership and MLS access

We respond to your question about MLS access.


FARM: Adding blooms for extra curb appeal

Help your cients add some color to their curb appeal.


Upcoming ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager web training sessions

Upcoming web seminars for energy benchmarking and disclosures.

Ad Live crash course

Need a last-minute study session for your upcoming state exam? Sign up for a live crash course! Our one-day Saturday crash courses are located in multiple cities throughout California. Call 951.781.7300 or enroll online today.


FARM: Solicitation for owners of distressed property

A useful flyer to hand to sellers of distressed property.

Market Trends

On the highway to a real estate recovery

Auto sales volume jumped up in March 2015.


FARM: April is national volunteer month!

Get the word out to your clients about volunteer opportunities this month.